These guys totally rocked their session. Bought by far the most expensive prop to date....the hog!!!!! Awesome! We got a great day for it and shot in the direct sun for most of it. And although, most portraits are done in shade or back lit, this direct sun accented the bling of the bike perfectly. So fun to play with something new!
A special tribute to a treasured family member....
I seem to be having some email issues lately where some have been deleted without my actually doing it. So please, if you have emailed me about session availability and I haven't gotten back to you, please email again. If I do not respond, it means I have not received your email. Please try again.
There's no doubt in my mind that these kids are so happy at home. They simply glow when they are near their parents and with each other. It's so nice to see. You would think with 5 of them, they would all be fighting for attention but they don't. Somehow these parents have figured it out. I'm just in awe!!!!!!
Loved, loved, loved this session. This was a surprise for their dad for father's day and they did a great job, not only in front of the camera but keeping the secret. I shot this in early June and have been dying to share it. Such cuties!
Some kids have all the luck! He's going to be a looker this one! The skin, the eye lashes, the little chubby arms - oh he's just so yummy! And I have a serious case of hair envy for Kelsey's red hair. It's just the most stunning color I have ever seen. I am hoping the next baby (I'm just putting my two cents in here!) is a girl with this gorgeous red and curls!!!! Too cute!
I spent the afternoon with this lovely family on Sunday. We dodged the weather for our entire shoot, had to relocate due to a party going on in the park, and ended up finding the covered walkway down by the common man restaurant simply because it gave us some shelter. All in a days work when you shoot primarily on location and people are in town for only short amounts of time. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to work with. Simply the best! Especially when working with large groups is incredibly nerve wracking for me. Performing in front of large groups has always been an issue for me, accept of course my college softball days - that never seemed to phase me. But speaking, performing or doing most things in crowds has always presented major issues for me. These guys handled me just fine! Thanks guys!
This little guy was teeny tiny weighing only 4.5 pounds on the day he came for his session. Such a sweet little guy with the cutest little wrinkles. Just loved working with him.
If you would like to schedule a portrait session or would like information regarding my photography, please email me at Please put sharnawphotography in the subject line so I know to open it.
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I am an on location, primarily natural light photographer specializing in engagement, families, maternity, newborns, children and seniors. Contact Phone: 603.542.6724
Please understand that all images posted on this blog are the property of sharna W photography and are thus protected by federal copyright laws. Under no circumstance are they to be printed, copied, or used without the expressed written permission of Sharna Wilkerson. Please contact me at to request permission.