Had a wonderful session on Monday with a newborn. It's been a busy, busy week so I am just now getting around to posting a sneak peek. This little guy was trooper. It's funny how quickly you forget how small newborns are. Such a little cutie. Thanks guys for bringing A over to me.
Tender moments with Daddy:
Sporting some props made by my highly talented mum and friend Kristin Kebalka:
And since a newborn session is never complete without one of these:
Updating the family images tonight. It's not often I get to make it into the frame with the images of my family simply because I am usually behind the camera. Once a year, however, we get to have an updated family portrait for the Dartmouth College Football Media guide. We have done this for the past 4 years and we have thoroughly enjoyed seeing our family grow and grow up each year. These images were taken by the amazingly talented Mark Washburn of www.markwashburnphotography.com. He captured our family perfectly in such rich colors. Check out his website for some stellar commercial work. I, however, have tweaked them in photoshop to change them to black and white and cross process the colors. So if you don't like the colors, blame me, not Mark. He did an outstanding job! Thanks a bunch Mark. I really appreciate your work.
I had a newborn session this afternoon and boy oh boy did this little guy make us work. He was wide awake for 95% of the session. We were determined to wait him out and he finally graced us with about 5 minutes of sleep. I sure hope he sleeps better for mom this evening. We got some great images. And he is doing a great job of focusing those amazingly wide open eyes.
I've been dying to try this little scale.....
And last but not least...... this incredibly cute little elf hat was crocheted by one of my closest girlfriends Kristin Kebalka. She is amazingly talented. Thank you Kristin. You do incredible work.
Are you ready? Took the kids out to a field south of town this past weekend to do some portraits. I just love open fields like this. It makes me want to pull off onto the side of the road and go lay down in the long tall grass for a few hours.....if of course the mosquitoes around here wouldn't carry me off to another land. Thankfully they weren't out this night (or didn't like the bug spray I used!) otherwise we would have gotten even less accomplished than we did. Turns out this grass is not the kind that would make for a comfy resting place. It was hard and spikey. But unless I tried I would have never known. So sit back and enjoy the Wilkerson kid overload.
Up first, the darling little Charlotte. Such a sweetie.
And the "I love you 88" Mr Peyton
And the fabulously worn out photographer's child, Miss Bella.
And lastly, all three together. Doesn't it look like I am torturing them?
This year Bella and her dance class are Broadway Mermaids for their recital. I must say, it's a pretty cute costume and routine. The final recital is this Saturday night. No cameras are allowed at the recital but are allowed at the dress rehersal. So we all lined up along stage to try to catch a memory of our time at dance class. The girls were great. I can't wait to see the performance on Saturday night and get to sit and relax through it, knowing that the images are what they are. I must say I love the no camera policy on recital night. It gives me time just to be a nervous mum! Love it. Good luck girls, break a leg. Well, not really.
It's been a while. It's been busy. We are wrapping up dance for the year, and the career hopefully this week with the recital on Saturday night. We are also well into the T-ball season and that wraps up next weekend. Then soccer starts, uggh! Busy, busy , busy. But no different than any other household in this country. Sometimes the regular everyday stuff gets lost in the shuffle. This week I managed to get ahold of one of Bella's closest friends from Kindergarten and had her over for a play date on Monday. And of course, with a little girl this gorgeous I couldn't resist a little portrait session. Isn't she just stunning? Thanks Mom for letting me post her images up here. She's just stunning, and so much fun to have over.
If you would like to schedule a portrait session or would like information regarding my photography, please email me at sharnaw@hotmail.com. Please put sharnawphotography in the subject line so I know to open it.
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I am an on location, primarily natural light photographer specializing in engagement, families, maternity, newborns, children and seniors. Contact Phone: 603.542.6724
Please understand that all images posted on this blog are the property of sharna W photography and are thus protected by federal copyright laws. Under no circumstance are they to be printed, copied, or used without the expressed written permission of Sharna Wilkerson. Please contact me at sharnaw@hotmail.com to request permission.