This is my boy Peyton. He's the middle child and fits perfectly there. I couldn't imagine any of my girls being in the middle. Peyton will never be that "forgotten middle child." There is NO WAY he will ever let that happen. Have you ever heard the boy yell, screech, scream, holler....yep, there is no way he'll be forgotten. And as much as those things wear me out, they are what makes him my boy! He looks so much like his father, it's such a cool thing for them to share. Right now he is so into modelling his daddy. So after seeing Daddy wear a tie on multiple occasions, he was very much wanting to have one of his own. I found a great deal online the other day for 6 silk ties in a grab bag for $22. He was in heaven. He picked this one out to wear for his shoot today. It was so fun. He wanted to check out the new parking garage in town so up we went. He is still very, very fast, gives me lots of goofy faces, and tires very easily of me looking at him. But never the less, I got some gorgeous shots of him. The first one is my absolute favorite. One of my canvas vendors was having a great sale so I was able to pass some of these savings on to my clients this past weekend. I just had to have one of these for myself, I mean my business (for display purposes of course!!!). This is the image I got. I can't wait to see it.

And the goofy ones:

sorry ladies, he is taken-- betrothed to the little beauty from the O family.... now her Daddy is big so watch out if you try!!
When did he grow up so much? Great shots of him and of those sweet little twins!!!
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