This guy is such the little man, such a sweetie, such a 2 year old, and such a looker. His Daddy coaches with my husband and I am so blessed to know them. One of the best things about my husband's profession is the chance to get to know so many wonderful people and these guys are certainly all that and more. We can only hope and pray that we will continue this friendship for years to come. Thanks guys, I just love your little guy and I'm so glad you let me play for a little while!
Another great day, another great session. I did Christmas images for this family last year around Thanksgiving and it was absolutely freezing. This year, the temperature was just divine. Couldn't have asked for a better day. Having just woken up from a nap we got a little bit of a slow start. He made me work for every smile we got. Anyone walking by must be permanently scarred from the sound of me singing rather terribly "Well, hello Mr Turkey how are you....?" It was pretty comical really. I'll do anything for the right expression so be prepared. But really it was so much fun. Thanks guys, I can't believe how much of a little man he is this year. Such a cutie. Sorry we missed Daddy but we got some great ones of mum and Mister B.
I met this gorgeous girl last month when I did her sister's senior portraits. From time to time I feel the need to create some images, not because someone asked me, but because I love to create. Because I see so much beauty, and because I like to try new things. And of course, horses are always a welcome addition. An added bonus - who can beat aqua polka dotted rain boots - lov'n m. Thanks for having us out at your farm Norma. I just love it out there. And thanks K and S for being up for "almost" anything. Let's get together next summer and get in the pond!!!!!
Round two with little Baby A. A small departure from my normal nature light sessions. I took one of my studio lights with me and had some fun playing around a little. Baby A was so good today. She slept a little but woke up for most of it. She didn't want to miss a thing. Such sweetness. Thanks K for letting me come again! So fun.
I've said it before, I get to meet the nicest people doing what I love. It's the best job, I just love it. We had a few difficulties getting our session scheduled but when we finally did, we got a great day. Their little guy gives me hope. Hope that my son will mellow as he gets older. One of the best behaved, well mannered 8year olds around. He was just a charmer. Thanks guys for being such good sports, and for taking a walk on the wild was a great location for your portraits.
If you would like to schedule a portrait session or would like information regarding my photography, please email me at Please put sharnawphotography in the subject line so I know to open it.
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I am an on location, primarily natural light photographer specializing in engagement, families, maternity, newborns, children and seniors. Contact Phone: 603.542.6724
Please understand that all images posted on this blog are the property of sharna W photography and are thus protected by federal copyright laws. Under no circumstance are they to be printed, copied, or used without the expressed written permission of Sharna Wilkerson. Please contact me at to request permission.