I was stunned when I walked into these guy's lovely home. It was a photographer's dream. Great lighting and awesome props everywhere. I was in total design heaven. They totally have a rock'n sense of style. Just loved it. Then I got to meet their little guy. One month old already but slept very soundly. I was so impressed. These guys know what they are doing. As first time parents they have really got it down. Way to go guys. Enjoy your preview. Thank you for trusting me with your little guy. He's just adorable. The Maple sign - has been in the family for years. It belonged to Baby's great grandmother and is a treasured heirloom. A great piece of family history.
I had two wonderful sessions today. It's so cool when I turn up for our session and mums break out their own props. I had a fabulous prop day today. And the babies were absolutely delightful. This was little C - such a happy baby. And so good. I think this was her first time down in the grass and boy did she have fun. She was just so completely happy. Here's just a little peek.
I did M's senior pictures for her back in the summer last year. And how special it was to have her mum contact me to have me do portraits for her senior prom. I was just thrilled. I could totally overload my blog with images from this session. It was beyond fun! Instead I made up two storyboards to cover some of my favorite images. Just a gorgeous couple - both inside and out. Hope the night was just magical!
This was a MAJOR surprise. Hubby contacted me a few weeks back wanting to schedule a session with the kids to surprise mum for mother's day. So we schemed and planned and did the session in April. The kids were great. Some of the best kids I have shot - very cooperative and oh so fun! I don't know how they did it but they managed to keep it a secret for over 3 weeks. What kid can do that??????????? And what 3 kids can do that? Surely one would spill the beans. Mine couldn't do it. I am so impressed with them. And what a great surprise for Mum - Happy Mother's Day J!
Two adults, four kids, two dogs, a perfect day and a fun filled session. The older boys were not too impressed to "have" to do their session but I think I managed to convince them it wasn't so bad. And I love it when we come away with some great stuff with less than excited subjects. Regardless of their reluctance - they did great. Enjoy the preview guys. The whole family.....
The most ferocious dog!
The crab apple tree was in full bloom -so glorious.
This is my man!!!!! He LOVES what he does and I love that he loves it. It's a great profession, brutal at times but highly rewarding most other times. He's been a college football coach for the entire time we've been married - 15 years next week. We have never known another way of life. May people don't understand it, he's gone a lot, spends most of the time with other people's sons. But having that chance for him to have such an amazing impact on the lives of young men is so rewarding for him and for us. After 7 years I finally got a chance to get back on the sidelines. Before kids I used to roam the sidelines shooting images for the kids. That stopped when my children came along as it was more important to care for them. This weekend was the spring game, the weather was fantastic and the stands were filled with supporters. And I got to play a little on the sidelines documenting some of events. Mainly I just wanted a few image of Chris coaching. So here we go!
And the family after the game. The kids are sooooooooooooooooo much bigger now!
If you would like to schedule a portrait session or would like information regarding my photography, please email me at sharnaw@hotmail.com. Please put sharnawphotography in the subject line so I know to open it.
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I am an on location, primarily natural light photographer specializing in engagement, families, maternity, newborns, children and seniors. Contact Phone: 603.542.6724
Please understand that all images posted on this blog are the property of sharna W photography and are thus protected by federal copyright laws. Under no circumstance are they to be printed, copied, or used without the expressed written permission of Sharna Wilkerson. Please contact me at sharnaw@hotmail.com to request permission.