I don't really know who reads this blog. There are ways to track the statistics but life is so busy for me that I rarely have time to figure it out or keep an eye on it. I do know that some people read it cause from time to time I run into someone who says they do. So if you're out there, and you feel so inclined to make a donation to help this amazing family cope with some of the financial stress of this situation, I am leaving the official "fund" information below. And please know that they are incredibly grateful for your gift, as am I. You may send donations to:
The Adam Maki Family Fund
Claremont Savings Bank
PO Box 1600
Claremont, NH 03743
If money is not something you can send right now, please pray and send some positive thoughts their way. Every little bit helps. And they feel it!

Before moving to NH, I really didn't get why they referred to it as New England - well on this particular day I figured it out - at least this is my impression of it. And I must say it's because of this scenery. This is what I picture when I think of England. I have no idea if it's true, but this is what comes to mind for me - we just needed some sheep!

Two of the family's favorite things to do together have been hula hooping and bike riding.

Not only did they start an anual bike race through Moody park, they helped carve out trails throughout the park for hikers and cross country runners. Told you they were incredible didn't I?

So please pray and then pray some more.
Thank you for sharing,Sharna. Beautiful pictures, beautiful family and beautifully said. There are people praying for Adam and the family from here to NC, FL and NY.
I had the great good fortune to have both Andrew and Julia in my classes at Maple - incredible kids.
I can feel the relationship this family has from these images, and their strength, and their joy. Love really is greater than fear and they have reminded me of that this morning.
Awesome work!!
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