Had a great session this evening with the Mc family. The temperature even climbed into the 60s today. Can't beat it! Lots of great images to follow but here's a sneak peek. The girls were great, they totally brought the "bam" - gotta love it. A big thanks to Mo who helped me with the shoot - you're going to be a great assistant.
This little one has so much spark. So much expression. I just had to share more. What spunk she has. Perfect skin, gorgeous features. Daddy better be careful!
Had a fun session tonight with a mum and her two kiddos. Had fun, it was cold but fun. Thanks guys for being so energetic. I hope you enjoy your sneak peak! I've got to get to bed. Will post some more in the next couple of days.
And my favorite - love the way the wind is catching her hair.
Couldn't resist doing up a storyboard from our maternity session on Sunday. Devin had such an amazing baby bump! Got so many great shots of it and just had to make a collage.
I had the privilege of doing Devin's maternity shoot this past weekend. And boy was it fun! We had such nice weather, finally........that is if you call low 50s nice. It has certainly been my definition of nice since moving to NE anyway. I digress! This mamma was up for anything - up, down, stepping through mud, over railroad tracks, into fields, just about anything. Thanks Devin for being such a trooper. I had a great time and hopefully you'll have some great memories to cherish. By next week I should stop coveting your red shoes!!!!!
And now onto your sneek peek!
The text on the wall says "still in the oven!!!" How appropriate!
Bella came along to help me with Charlotte and the impossible task of her photo session. Of course I prepare her too as she is always a good model for me. We are beginning to grow her bangs out and wow, do I love it. Having the bangs off her face really brings out her beauty. I just can't get over how gorgeous she is. God really blessed her. She wanted to bring a camera along too so I gave her one she could use. What oh what have I created? She loves it. She had so much fun. I only hope she too has a husband one day who understands her obsession with the latest and greatest equipment! Until then, she can use my old models.
I finally got out today with the two girls to try to capture some images for Charlotte's 2nd birthday. We were about 5 minutes into shooting when the flood gates opened and I lost her. Memories of Bella's 2nd birthday shoot came flooding back. The tears, the tantrums, the "how dare you be more than three feet away from me Mum." It went down hill fast. But, I did manage to get a shot or two that is decent enough. She's such a cutie, and such a loving girl. She loves to be held and cuddled which of course leaves me in my glory. I'm trying to hold on to these times for as long as possible as soon she will be too big and too independent to snuggle this much.
And this is where we lost her - only tears from here on out!
Little Miss H.....what can I say. She is a sweetie. She is a handful. She is spunky. And most of all she is so so lovable. I just adore her. What can a say about a little girl that always poops within the first 5 minutes of being at my house....such comfort she has here. I am so glad I get to play with her often. And the curls.....ohh they make my heart flutter. Just can't get enough of them. I would just love to have half of the body this little one has. She may curse it later in life but for now they are just the most amazing things in the world.
Looks like she's asleep but not the case....this kid hardly ever stops..
Had a fabulous session this evening with a wonderful couple. Am set to document their wedding in August and I just can't wait. I have so many great images to share but had to stop myself for this evening. These guys were up for anything. Been together over 12 years and this was their first professional photo session. I'm so honored to be the one to do it! It was so much fun. Thanks for all your flexibility guys. Way to turn on the weather! We finally hit 50 degrees....yipee!
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It's the first week in March and while other places are gearing up for spring's arrival, we are still dealing with lots, and I mean lots of snow. We had another snow day yesterday so school was cancelled and we spent some time clearing the driveway. I can't wait for spring. Just a couple of shots of Peyton playing in the snow. They had fun despite the pretty extreme wind chill and snow flying everywhere. I promise some shots of Charlotte are coming (since it is her birthday week!)- am just praying for a little better temps to get her out to shoot. Am tired of puffy winter coats in pictures.
If you would like to schedule a portrait session or would like information regarding my photography, please email me at sharnaw@hotmail.com. Please put sharnawphotography in the subject line so I know to open it.
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I am an on location, primarily natural light photographer specializing in engagement, families, maternity, newborns, children and seniors. Contact Phone: 603.542.6724
Please understand that all images posted on this blog are the property of sharna W photography and are thus protected by federal copyright laws. Under no circumstance are they to be printed, copied, or used without the expressed written permission of Sharna Wilkerson. Please contact me at sharnaw@hotmail.com to request permission.