Fabulous, fabulous senior session tonight. So fun and such a cute girl. Was up for anything - and believe me, I had her doing a lot. Even posing with some stranger's motorcycle, holding up traffic, and smelling all kinds of yummy food. But we made it through without incident. Thanks Alicia, I had a great time. I hope you enjoy your preview.
A huge thank you goes out to Violet's Book Exchange for allowing us to shoot in their store. It's so great to live in a town where people are so willing to help out and get involved.
Raced the wind and clouds today to get our session in. But the rain held off once more. Yeah! Doesn't this guy have the best hair???? Oh what I would have given for curls like these!
Ventured on out to the apple orchard this morning. Had great overcast lighting which allowed us to shoot in many parts of the orchard without too much trouble. It's always fun to try out new locations with different people. And so nice not to have to go to the petting zoo just because we were there. Yahoo! Thanks Tess.
Had a wonderful time in the mountains of Vermont Friday night with this lovely family. All gorgeous, inside and out. It's amazing how people's positive energy is so contagious. Just a few hours with these guys and you leave feeling all warm and friendly. So happy I got to spend the evening with you all. Thanks for being such wonderful people!
These guys came in on very short notice after another session of mine rescheduled due to illness. It was an unseasonably warm day with scattered thunderstorms. But we managed to dodge those quite well! They are so cute together and have big career goals for the future. It's one of the best things about shooting seniors - listening to what their goals are. Gives me a chance to imagine how life will be for them. So cool!
Just sending out notice that I am officially booked through the first week in November. November will bring some changes as my son's hockey season begins in addition to my daughter's gymnastic schedule! I will only be shooting on Friday and Sunday afternoons in November - or weekday mornings. Please call early if you are wanting to schedule. Deadline for anticipated Christmas Present sessions is November 15th. Thanks - Sharna
What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Water just does something for my soul that I can't explain. So whenever I get a chance I am down there. And this mum certainly packed for the adventure. She brought great props to use and was so comfortable getting down and wet - even in this fabulous dress! Been photographing this little guy for three years now and boy is it fun to see him growing up. So full of love and fun!
You know, we travel all around the world seeking out beautiful places when in fact some of the most gorgeous places are right down the street. I see this hill as I drive out of my neighborhood every morning. And every morning since I saw it lush and green this past spring, I have thought about how great it would be to shoot up there. It happens to be the backyard of one of my client's neighbor's farm. Gosh, if I lived there I think I would have to hike up there everyday just to get a glimpse of the view. We trekked on up, dodging electric fences and cow patties. But boy was it worth it. Felt like we could reach out and touch the moon. Just glorious. And a wonderful family to spend the time with too. Thanks guys.
Some onlookers - I hear it's a good thing that the farmer penned them up for our session. I hear they're a little feisty!
If you would like to schedule a portrait session or would like information regarding my photography, please email me at sharnaw@hotmail.com. Please put sharnawphotography in the subject line so I know to open it.
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I am an on location, primarily natural light photographer specializing in engagement, families, maternity, newborns, children and seniors. Contact Phone: 603.542.6724
Please understand that all images posted on this blog are the property of sharna W photography and are thus protected by federal copyright laws. Under no circumstance are they to be printed, copied, or used without the expressed written permission of Sharna Wilkerson. Please contact me at sharnaw@hotmail.com to request permission.